
Current Board --- Chairman Lea Ann Thomas Assistant County Manager Polk County 330 West Church Street Bartow, Florida 33830 Phone: (863) 534-6031 ----- Robert Nanni Osceola Board of County Commissioners 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 4700 Kissimmee, Florida 34741 Phone: (407) 343-2388 ----- System Manager Robert E. Sheets Phone: (850) 681-3717 ----

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

GUEST OPINION: Groundswell is simmering over control of FGUA


A spectator groundswell is simmering in their arena seats and approaching a low boil over what faction, public or private, to see who will assume control of Lehigh Acres water and sewer infrastructure in Lee County, either the county, East County Water Control District (ECWCD) or a private water/sewer service.

The Florida Governmental Utility Authority has demonstrated its inability to adequately address and correct matters as they relate to water, sewer availability, pressure, quality, hydrants, mains and house hookups. Thus, the county stated it might want to buy the faltering FGUA, in reaction to numerous consumer complaints, and ostensibly implying (but not officially stating) that it can do a better job. However, knowing now the ECWCD wants to study the idea of purchasing this infrastructure, ECWCD District Manager, David Lindsay has stated.

Also we have learned FGUA will not be using their $54,000 fine that they received last year in the project agreed to by FGUA, ECWCD and Lehigh Acres Watchdog Inc.

Instead doing a project with ECWCD in which allegedly harmed by FGUA dumping of efferent, FGUA is removing 14 citizens off septic on to sanitary sewer instead of the water quality project in Charlie Matheny Park that was agreed upon.

In the other corner another new player, Aqua Florida Utilities Inc., a 100 percent all-water company with almost a million customers in seven states. Aqua Florida Utilities has contacted Lehigh Acres Watchdog Inc. and wants to give detailed presentations to residents of issues and an outline what they have to offer and eventually plan to propose.

We, in Lehigh Acres, are the primary pawns, having ringside seats for this contest, and all of us long for the match to begin in earnest. However, it appears that the FGUA is reluctant to adhere to the rules of engagement. In fact, the only sparring we've seen so far has been disparagingly outside the ropes.

All the contestants agree that FGUA has failed on several levels of service. Thus, the question is which contender is most likely to satisfy, once and for all, the whole of our water and sewer needs? And, that is not to say that other top-rated companies can't throw their hats in the ring. After all, isn't the spirit of competition the bulwark of the American way?

On a more serious side, our cynicism is not intended to diminish in the least the gravity of the sad state of our water and sewer situation in Lehigh Acres.

Our group, and to a great extent the primary others, seeks to have a clean, clear, informative and fair airing from all sides.

That would also be with East County Water Control District that wants to a study on the feasibility them owning and operating the system, which isn’t too bad of an idea, but does the ECWCD have enough bonding ability to handle such a big debt or could Aqua Florida Utilities Inc. buy the system with cash.

To dispel the caveat lingering about, that because Aqua is a corporate, publicly traded utility, it would be merciless in clobbering us with higher rates.

This is a baseless, empty scare tactic, since we've been assured that every rate increase sought must be reviewed, assessed and approved by the Public Service Commission.

While our county commissioners have remained virtually silent on this issue, we nonetheless choose to refrain at this time from raising our voices an octave or two. Our objectives are rousingly clear and elegantly simple: to get the best and most efficient water and sewer service for our community at a fair cost.

Therefore, in a nutshell, we ask you, Lee County Commissioners, Board of Supervisors of the ECWCD and Aqua Florida Utilities to speak forthrightly to the citizens of Lehigh Acres, letting the real contest begin.

In the meantime, we remain squirming impatiently in our seats at ringside, waiting to hear what FGUA has to do to hinder this contest.


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